Wednesday, 21 December 2011

MRC announces ME/CFS research projects worth £1.6m

M.E. Associations breaks the news embargoed until today

This sounds like great news, if it is funding for biomedical research.

I'm not really sure what to think, yet. Any ideas on the people behind the various projects?

There doesn't seem to be an immediate drive to separate Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and its causes from "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" with its flabby umbrella of symptoms muddying the waters. M.E./CFS is still referred to as "the illness". Frustratingly, CFS is referred to first, i.e. CFS/ME many times in the press release. Is this going to be more smoke and mirrors?

I sincerely pray it won't just be more money down the drain, like the PACE trials.

Much to be cautiously hopeful about for 2012.

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