Friday, 27 May 2011

Crazy little things that "crash" you!

Isn't it crazy what things can crash you with M.E.?

It's often the so-called "little" things that catch you out.

As you'll maybe have read in my last post, I've had this chest/throat bug that's being going round.

Felt a bit of improvement in my throat by yesterday.
So had a bit of a sing to my iPod.
Not much problem.

As I've not been well enough to use up all my tiny gram of spare energy this last few weeks on dressing, I got dressed. 

The aquarium hasn't been properly cleaned out for the same period.

With support from my Mum I gave the fish a good scrub out and changed the filter.

For a while I felt great. Well, great-er. Well, relatively great. lol.

Aquarium cleaned (with help carrying bucket etc)
Dressed and up and eating a bit more.
It's not running a marathon or working a 9-5 job, now, is it?

By last night and this morning, it's all kicked in.

I can hardly lift my hands and arms without them trembling and feeling sick. My wrist and hips actually were making audible "crack" sounds last evening. Yes, audible. To an outside ear, so it's not "all in the mind". (Hahahahah, as if!)

My voice is weaker again. Hurts my chest muscles to speak. Half of what I try to say I'm losing the words. Typing this, I have to keep re-typing and checking the mistakes. The floor is unsteady when I get up, when I stand. Everything is like mountaineering today. Thank the Lord for spellcheck and leisure to do it all inch by inch. Cognitive treacle. Muscles scrambled with post-exertion malaise.

Up this morning, but will really have to have a couple of hours lie down this afternoon to try to recover.

Some days you get sick of the idiots who still think M.E. would disappear if you just thought positive and DID more. I DO do more. I'm never anything but positive. Afterwards it can leave me as weak as a kitten, and as addled as someone with serious brain, nerve and muscle disfunction, twice my age.

That's it for now. All the joined-up thinking I can manage for now. Tomorrow's another day. Rejoice in every second. Don't let 'em get you down!


  1. i have written this once already but brain fog lost it!!!
    When u go for a walk you've done in an hour before and it takes three to do it now and you want to fall asleep on ur walking stick, is it cos ur 50 or cos ur facing up to wots going on?
    You used to walk to Labradors before and now you can't walk one is that cos your 50 or cos ur facing up to it?
    When the words only come from an attentive friend cos you can't get them out is that cos ur 50 or another reminder of an old aged friend/foe returning to test once more or what is going on?
    Night sweats and hand pains, tense muscles and pain, is that because you've 'overdoneit' or just tried to be 'normal'is it because ur 50 or not facing ur foe?
    Faith healing? how much more than that mustard seed do you need, or is it cos ur 50 it doesn't work, or perhaps He will see you through, or is it cold hard facts?
    Relax, whats that, you forget to do it, till muscles scream, relax relax, your other half screams get uo get up, is that 50 or facing the facts?
    Or is all of this just brain-fog in the mists of time?
