Wednesday, 24 August 2011


One of today's BBC News headlines says there is a rise in the number of NEETs in the UK.
In other words, youths 'Not in Education Employment or Training'. 

BBC News UK: 'Neet' youths figure at second-quarter high 

Yet what is happening every day to the most vulnerable people in Britain is consistently ignored by MPs or artfully misreported or slewed with spin. The sick, the elderly, the homeless hung out to dry or pushed up a creek without a paddle by those who shout about caring while they milk the myth of the "Big Society".

Considering the scandalous failure of politicians of all parties and persuasions to keep their word or act with any smidgen of integrity, the headline perhaps should read:

'Rise in the number of NINMYSIP adults in the UK.'

No Ideas, No Morals, Yet Still In Parliament.

Sorry, rant over!

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