Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Blood-y marvellous!

Just read an interesting post on another excellent blog here:


There is a new article which claims that 4.5% of those diagnosed with M.E./CFS have developed the disease after receiving a blood transfusion.

This adds to the debate surrounding the blood ban imposed on us in the past year in the UK.
Those of us officially diagnosed with M.E. can no longer give blood. Now this new study indicates that whatever organism/virus causes or triggers M.E. symptoms, may have its origins in the blood.

This doesn't take us much further down the route to a cure or treatment, sadly. 4.5% hardly sounds like a significant proportion.

I was one of those who have had many potential "trigger" events along the way i.e. shingles (herpes zoster virus), giardiasis, as well as several years of being severely crashed after the annual flu jab recommended for me as a Type 1 diabetic. The truth is out there. Somewhere. Medical science will one day hold the answers.

A little crashed at the mo after cutting a couple of twigs in the garden. The bushes have infinitely more energy than my immuno-compromised little body. Even with all my stubborn fightback impulses that refuse to be infinitely kept under by this darned disease!

Tomorrow is diabetic clinic. The moment of truth when I discover if I'm going to be taken to task for discontinuing my statins. Will my cholesterol be raised beyond reason without them? One diabetes specialist nurse and even the last diabetes consultant I saw 6 months ago suggested I try to come off them to see whether my M.E. muscle/nerve agonies and weakness improved without the statins notorious influence. Let's see which way the old swings and roundabouts go this time. Watch this shaky space!

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